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6월 7, 2017의 게시물 표시

Großer Feldberg 하이킹

네팔 여행을 가기전에 몸도 장비도 모두 준비가 되었는지 사전 확인이 필요하였다. 내가 네팔에 도착하는 9월 중순은 아직 몬순의 영향에서 벗어난 시기가 아니기 때문에 비가 많이 오는 것을 가정해야 한다고 한다. 이미 티켓을 그 일정으로 준비하였기 때문에 우천시의 하이킹을 대비해야 하였다. 저번주말과 이번주말에 배낭 무게도 몸소 체험할 겸 안나푸르나 하이킹에 가지고갈 모든 물건들을 배낭에 넣고 근처 타우누스로 하이킹을 갔다. 최소한의 짐만 싼다고 했는데 그래도 약 9키로가 된다. Großer Feldberg 정상에서의 사진 Großer Feldberg의 안테나탑 저번 주말엔 아는 한국 동생들과 같이 산을 탔고 이번엔 온자 올랐다. 도중에 비가 엄청 많이 내려서 장비성능을 확인하는데는 최적의 날씨였다. Krongberg에서 Großer Feldberg 까지 찍고 왔는데 가는데 약 세시간 오는데 약 세시간 걸렸다. 다행히 신발은 전혀 젖지 않았는데 의외의 복병인 발뒤꿈치 까짐이 하이킹의 큰 방해요소가 되었다. 나중에 집에 와서 확인하니 쓸린 부분에 물이 고여 바늘로 물을 빼줬다. 이 신발은 조금 더 자주 신어서 길을 들여야겠다. 우비는 비를 잘 막아주었지만 안에 입은 옷이 내부 습기 및 땀으로 정상에 올랐을 땐 이미 완전히 젖어있었다. 옷을 최대한 빨리 말리는게 필요하다. 하루에 6시간 정도 산행을 할 예정이라서 오늘과 같은 하이킹은 적절하다고 생각하지만 배낭 무게가 아직도 너무 무겁다고 생각한다.

Wednesday hotwings

Wednesday is a good day to celebrate upcoming weekend. The half of the working days is already passed and usually I have less things to do on Thursday or Friday. I had a kind of regular Wednesday dinner with some friends. Sometimes we went to the restaurants and sometimes cooked at home. I was a bit busy recently, so this regular Wednesday dinner was not held for a long time. My marathon event was completed last weekend and I have a bit more free time to do something. A friend of mine invited me to have a dinner at his place. He prepared the oven cooked hot-wings. I love to drink cold beer with these hot-wings. I did not drink beer for more than weeks, so it made me full of mouth-watering. We ate seaweed/crab salad, egg-tomato salad and wasabi flavour beans as of the starter. As of the second starter, we had fresh baked onion-baguette with salmon and basil pesto. seaweed salad and egg-tomato salad The basil pesto was homemade one which my colleague gave to me. The fl...

프랑크푸르트 맛집찾기: Why did I go there??? Bar Celona

It was a heavy rainy day. I was not that inspired to search for a nice restaurant which might be already fully booked on Friday. I was at the Hauptwache and wanted to eat something quick near here. The cafe Bar-Celona has always full of people. This palce is noisy and the taste of the food was so so. But it was already 9:30 and it was the time that most kitchens of other restaurants are closed. So, I was at there last Friday. I was thinking that if I could order a couple of tapases, then at least one or two might have good taste. And it was a good decision. I ordered the 4 tapases menu. I can chooes 4 tapaes and need to pay 23 Eur. So, one tapas costs approx. 5.5 to 6 Eur. As I expected, the taste was not good, but also no bad. The garlic oil of the shrimp dish was at least okay. Gambas al ajillo, nit bad Spicy cheese, but not spicy at all Chicken menu, the sauce was good Fried calamari, a but too oily