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8월 3, 2017의 게시물 표시

프랑크푸르트 맛집찾기: Full of oyster with spicy source, kimchi and pork: Misho

There is a korean restaurant(maybe more now) which is named 'Misho' in Bockenheim. When I first went there, I did not have good impression due to the no particular flavour of the food there. The taste was neither authentic korean nor germanised taste. Recently, I heard from a aquainrance that the restaurant was purchased by other korean and now taste is much better, espicially food with oyster. Well, I wanted to try one day again and it was today. We ordered oyster-pork menu and the amout of the food was very good. One piece of oyster in venos was 1 eur, so I feel like I eat really good priced food. It might be frozen oyster, but the taste was not bad. We ordered makgoli to enjoy spicy and sweet flavour together. Oyster muchim and side dished. Around 20 minutes later, the fresh prepared kimchi and boiled pork are served. Kimchi has perfect flavour and pork makes less spicyness of kimchi and oyster. Pork, kimchi, oyster: samhap menu. We ordered too ...