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3월 23, 2018의 게시물 표시

프랑크푸르트 맛집찾기: Another Chinese grill restaurant in FFM: Zum Hufnagel

I went to the Chinese grill restaurant gagaxiang last week. This restaurant was closed for a couple of months due to the cleanness issue of the restaurant. And then it opened again some time ago. One good thing of this restaurant is, the price of the bottle soju is really cheap. It costs only 5 Eur. Other Korean restaurants have the higher price of the soju like 15 Eur, that why this Chinese restaurant is fully occupied by the Korean customers. Another Chinese restaurant is newly opened and of course we wanted to try it. The restaurant is located near the Galluswarte S-Bahn station, just a couple of minutes far from the station. The name 'Zum Hufnagel' might come from the previous restaurant. It would be great to change the name to the Chinese name, but it will be easy for the German customers to remember the name. The interior of the restaurant is nothing special, it looked like the typical German imbiss. They have approx. 7 to 8 dishes, it looks its slightly bigger...