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10월 25, 2017의 게시물 표시

프랑크푸르트 맛집찾기: It`s always good: chinese restaurant Pak Choi

I think pak choi is the restaurant where I went most times in Frankfurt. Even I have many companions, I could book the table on that day. The rotation of the table is great. Most people stay at the restaurant only for 1 hour or less. We were total 7 people, so we ordered 7 dishes. We always ordered the same dishes, so it was required to order something else. But this time, we ordered the exactly same menu I had before. Only the pork rip was the new menu I never tried before. water boiled fish, my favorite meal in pak choi new try pork rib, not bad spicy squid, great taste chicken chilly, great taste with beer sweet eggplant, a bit too sweety garlic water spinach, it makes not to tried of eating meat only

Shoppers paradise: Matzingen

My colleagues from Korea wanted to visit the biggest outlet in Germany. The city Metzingen is approximately 2 and a half hours far from Frankfurt. My collaues will drive there and I just need to follow them. The size of the outlet city is not that much big than I expected. There are just a couple of shops in this town. But the Hugo Boss shop was really big. I think it is not worth to visit if you want to buy like Adidas or Nike, Esprit. But if you planned to buy a luxery items from Gucci or expensive shops, then you are at the right place to save a lot of money. Or if you like to buy famous german kitchen stuff like WMF, it is worth to visit here. I bought two frying pans woth 55 Eur which costs 75 Eur by ebay.