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Easter holidays in Garmisch-Partenkirchen

It was 4 am when I woke up to start my trip to the Garmisch-Partenkirchen. It takes approx. 5 hours to be at there, so my journey started early. The train leaves at 5:50 am, and I had enough time to pack my stuff and had a breakfast. When I got on the Sbhan to the Frankfurt HBF, I realized that I left my 25 Bahncard at home. 25 Bahncard is a kind of the discount card which I can but the Dbahn tickets with the discounted price. 25 means 25% discount. I had around 50 mins before the train leaves, so I was thinking to go back home by taking a taxi. However, it was too early morning and I could not find any taxis. Just because I did not have the Bahncard, I had to pay the costs of the current valid ticket price and the amount I paid already. I had to claim when I come back to Frankfurt, which is not that much convenient. 

It was almost 12 when I arrived at the Garmisch-Partenkirchen main station. According to the weather forecast, it will rain tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. We had to see the Zugspitze, the top of Germany, by today. Otherwise, we could not see the nice view anymore. It was a really good decision to be the Zugspitze today, the sky is clear and I could enjoy the beautiful view of the mountain.

Everything there were frozen

The statue of the top symbol

We had a big hunger and also thirsty. I wanted to have a warm soup and a cold beer. And the restaurant at the Zugspitze offered good price goulash soup and the tap beer. The taste was like exactly I ate at the cafeteria of the university. 

Curry-wurst and pommies, I think I eat this only once per year.

Day 2 started later with the heavy rain outside. I bought 2 days serial cable car ticket already, so I went out to take the cable car again instead staying at home. It was not bad to see the snowing mountain, even it was the end of March. There were heavy snow at the top of the mountain and the heavy rain at the town. The view of the lakeside was a rather gloomy, it made me feel a bit depressed.

The view of Riessersee lake

To cheer up my depressed mind, we went to the nice German restaurant. We went to the restaurant Bräustüberl Garmisch and they have a kind of selected pan menu with the variety of the meats, Schweinshaxn, Schweinsbraten, Ente, Kartoffelknödel and Blaukraut. It tastes really good with the collaboration of Kaltenberg beer. 

Schweinshaxn, Schweinsbraten, Ente(duckleg)



The weather of 3rd day was nice, a little rain but with the shinny sun. I wish I could stay here longer under this good weather, but it was time to go home. There was a little castle near the accommodation where I stayed, so we went to there in the morning time. it was a very small destroyed castle. The name of it is Burgruine Werdenfels, but I expect that no one knows where it is and what it is. But the hiking route to go there was beautiful, and no one exists on the way to the castle.

The view at the hill

Destroyed castle 

We went to a Italian restaurant `La toscana` for a lunch. People here are much more kind and easy going than the people in Frankfurt. Of course, the taste of the food there were nice, but the warm atmosphere of the staffs made the taste of the food much more delicious.

Our train stopped in München for 2 and a half hours. I had a short walk tour in München, for about 1 hour. I already been to München for 4 times, so nothing feels new or special for me. At least, the Marian platz is still beautiful. I became hungry again after the short walk, and then I went to the Augustiner-Keller near the main station

We ordered one Pfefferschnitzel and one lamb-leg with ratatouille. The lamb-leg was very tender and tasty, but the schnitzel was so so. The food was served only after 3 minutes of my order, so I expect that this food is already prepared food and just made it warm. Maybe I had to try something people don't eat often.


Lamb-leg with ratatouille

It was 11:05 PM when I arrived at the Frankfurt main station. My 3 days short trip to the Garmisch-Partenkirchen is ended, but I would like to visit there again when it is cold for a ski riding. 
